Weslo Cadence G 5.9i

Editor's Rating: 2.75 /5

This Treadmill Could Be For You If You Want:

  • A very low-cost treadmill for walking
  • Interactive programming and Bluetooth
  • A small folding unit that takes up little space
  • A basic, no-frills machine

The Weslo brand means budget friendly for sure, and if you’ve scouted out the Weslo Cadence G 5.9 you’ll see a lot of similarities here with the G 5.9i. The biggest difference is this newer model offers Bluetooth, an integrated tablet holder, and a 30-day membership to the interactive training app iFit. This model is clearly an answer to the customer who says they’d love to buy the G 5.9 if only it had those features.

Available for sale at online retailers, this model is priced around $300 and is one of the lowest priced units available. I do a lot of walking on my own treadmill and can see a value in this model if that’s your plan. That said, we do tend to get what we pay for in this world and with other budget treadmills priced double this one, I’d recommend planning to take good care of it.

Right off the bat, this unit offers a 16″ x 50″ tread belt on a 55.5″ x 29″ x 64.5″ frame that only weighs 118 lbs. Most treadmill belts are 22″ x 60″ meaning this is good for walking, but certainly not striding out on a long run. It does feature ComfortCell Cushioning, a folding SpaceSaver design, and a 2.25 CHP motor. When stood upright, the treadmill stands 60″ and measures 29″ long. This size of treadmill and motor is just right for walking, and the treadmill does offer a two-position incline option, as well as 0-10mph in speed. Workout data and programming can be seen on the 5″ LCD screen, or by way of your own device attached to the treadmill’s shelf. The G 5.9i comes with six built-in programs and a 30-day free trial with iFit, as well as a separate heart rate monitor.

If you’re not familiar with iFit, you can read our review here. The great thing about this program is it features not only live and on-demand programs, but automatic trainer control where professional trainers or the machine itself can adjust the speed and incline to match the workout. When paired with a Bluetooth SmartBeat armband heart rate monitor and the iFit ActivePulse program, the machine can auto-adjust to match the user’s heart rate.

The Weslo Cadence G 5.9i sports a 275lb weight maximum and brings a 1-year motor warranty and 90-day parts and labor guarantee. Warranties of 5 to 10 years are more the norm, so again, be prepared to take care of this unit.

  • Very low priced
  • Bluetooth-enabled
  • Foldable and requires little space
  • Short warranty
  • Small screen
  • Very small walking area

What We Like:

  • Price: The low price is by far the most attractive feature of the Weslo G 5.9i. This is fits the definition of budget friendly.
  • Preset Workouts: Six workout programs are built into the console. These programs were designed by a certified personal trainer to take the guesswork out of exercise time help trainees make the most of each session.
  • iFit-enabled: The iFit app is one of my favorites and it allows the machine or trainer to control the resistance. It has great global workouts and includes off-treadmill programs like strength, yoga, biking, and more. The program costs $39 per month after the free trial, so it’s worth a try to see if you like it. The app can be downloaded onto other devices and used for any other programming you might want.
  • Integrated Media Shelf: If the 5″ LCD screen isn’t enough, you can always use a tablet or smart phone for programming. But given the size of the unit, you could also put it in front of a television set.
  • Bluetooth: The biggest difference between this unit and the G 5.9 is the Bluetooth. You can still enjoy music and interactive programming here for just a few bucks more.
  • Space-Saver: Weslo Cadence treadmills are compact. The Cadence G 5.9i can fold up and roll away with ease. At only 118lbs it won’t be difficult to move about the house.

Weslo Cadence G 5.9i - Key Specs:

Star Rating:2.75-stars
Motor:2.25 HP
Incline:Manual Incline
Running Area:16" x 50"
Top Speed:10 MPH
Weight Capacity:275 LBS
Dimensions:64.5" L x 29" W x 55.5" H
Built-In Programs:6
What We Don’t Like:

  • Very Small Track: The walking area on the Weslo G 5.9i is only 16″ wide and 50″ long, which is very small. For comparison, a standard treadmill track for walkers is 20″ wide and at least 55″ long, and runners need 22″ by 60″. This is definitely a walker’s machine.
  • Noisey: It’s a small, low-priced unit, and this belt is thin and moves over small rollers. This frame is lightweight and has plastic parts. Pricier units are made of steel and have powder coating to seal the pieces. Be prepared to hear some rattling here.
  • Manual Incline: The G 5.9i is adjusted manually rather than electronically.
  • No Extras: It’s a very basic unit, unlike other home treadmills, this treadmill doesn’t have amenities such as water bottle holders or fans.
  • Warranty: The warranty for the G 5.9i treadmill is very short, as we’d expect with any treadmill under $500. The motor is under warranty for just a year. Others parts and labor are under warranty for just 90 days.

Our Verdict:

I wouldn’t simply write this unit off the list. If you’re only seeking a treadmill for walking and have limited space, but still want interactive programming and a media shelf, this is worth a look. It’s a sub-$500 model, which might be what you want. Compared to other treadmills for  budget, the Weslo Cadence G 5.9i is built from lower quality parts and has a very short warranty. I’d recommend comparing this to the $650 Horizon T101 we’ve reviewed here and see if the few extra dollars are worth it to you. Otherwise, the G 5.9 and twin 5.9i are really only for those who want the cheapest most basic unit and are prepared to treat it gently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Weslo Cadence G 5.9i fold?

Yes, this treadmill folds quite easily and at only 118lbs, can be moved around the home when not in use.

Is Weslo a good brand?

The Weslo brand is very low cost and built for customers with a price-point in mind. That said, in terms for the dollars spent, yes they're quite decent.

How much does the Weslo Cadence G 5.9i treadmill weigh?

The product weight is 118lbs, and the treadmill’s user weight capacity is 275lbs.

Can I use apps with this treadmill?

Yes, the machine comes with a 30-day pass to iFit, but it also has a built-in media shelf. Users can bring their own device and use whatever programming they choose.

If the Weslo Cadence G 5.9i good for HIIT?

High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is typically performed in short bursts. Given the length of this treadmill's running space, it would be very difficult to sprint on it. Fast walking is an option, but probably not sprinting.