Fitness and Entertainment Combined: The Advantages of Treadmills with TV Screens

If you’re in the market for the best treadmill, you’ll find that many top models come equipped with TV screens. These treadmills offer a comprehensive workout experience while providing endless entertainment options. When it comes to choosing the best treadmill, consider what works best for your fitness goals and lifestyle.


Key Takeaways
NordicTrackHigh-quality, innovative treadmills
ProFormFeature-rich, user-friendly designs
BowflexCompact, space-saving options
Horizon FitnessDurable and reliable treadmills
LifespanFitness solutions designed for longevity
LandiceHigh-end, commercial-grade treadmills
SolePremium treadmills with advanced features

The Ultimate Workout Companion



Tailored for Runners

For avid runners, finding the right treadmill with a TV screen can significantly enhance their training and provide an optimal indoor running experience. Here, we’ll explore the benefits of treadmills designed with runners in mind:

Spacious Running Surface

Treadmills tailored for runners typically feature spacious running surfaces. This extra room allows runners to maintain a comfortable and natural stride length, preventing them from feeling cramped during high-speed sprints or long-distance runs. It offers the freedom to move more freely and mimic outdoor running conditions, contributing to better training outcomes.

High Motor Power

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 sports a powerful motor sufficient for running, jogging, or hiking. Photo by Brian Boyce

These treadmills are equipped with powerful motors that provide consistent and reliable performance, even at higher speeds. The motor’s strength ensures that runners can reach and maintain their desired pace without straining the machine. Whether you’re training for a marathon or looking to increase your running speed, a high-powered motor is essential.

Impressive Speed Range

Treadmills designed for runners often have an extensive speed range, catering to a wide spectrum of running abilities. Whether you’re a casual jogger or an experienced sprinter, you can set the treadmill to your preferred pace. The ability to reach high speeds is crucial for those who aim to improve their sprinting capabilities or participate in interval training.

Advanced Shock Absorption

Running can be tough on the joints, especially when done on a treadmill. To minimize impact and reduce the risk of injury, these treadmills often incorporate advanced shock absorption systems. These systems cushion your steps, reducing stress on your knees, hips, and lower back. This feature ensures that you can enjoy a comfortable and joint-friendly run.

Customizable Incline Options

Running on a flat surface can become monotonous. Treadmills tailored for runners typically offer customizable incline options, allowing you to simulate various terrains. You can adjust the incline to mimic uphill and downhill running, providing a more comprehensive workout and training experience. Hills and inclines are crucial for building strength and endurance in runners.

Heart Rate Monitoring

The NordicTrack Commercial X32i syncs with iFit’s SmartBeat armband monitor for heartrate monitoring.

Heart rate monitoring is vital for runners to gauge their training intensity. Many of these treadmills come with built-in heart rate monitoring systems, which may include chest straps or handgrip sensors. Monitoring your heart rate ensures that you’re training within your desired heart rate zones, whether it’s for fat burning, endurance, or interval training.

Comprehensive Workout Programs

These treadmills offer a wide array of workout programs tailored to runners. You can choose from pre-programmed routines designed to improve endurance, speed, or target specific fitness goals. Whether you’re preparing for a race or simply looking to increase your running stamina, these programs provide structured and effective training sessions.

Entertainment and Distraction

Running on a treadmill can sometimes feel repetitive. Treadmills with TV screens add an entertainment factor to your indoor runs. You can watch your favorite shows, movies, or even stream scenic running routes. This element of distraction and entertainment keeps your runs engaging and enjoyable, making it easier to stay consistent with your training regimen.

Data and Progress Tracking

Runners benefit from data tracking features that provide real-time statistics on their performance. These treadmills display metrics such as distance covered, pace, calories burned, and heart rate. Tracking your progress is essential for setting and achieving running goals, whether you’re looking to increase your mileage or improve your pace.

Perfect for Home Use

Treadmill exercise at home

Home is where the heart is, and it can also be the ideal place for your fitness journey. Treadmills with TV screens have become an increasingly popular choice for individuals who prefer the convenience of working out at home. Let’s explore the advantages and considerations when it comes to choosing a treadmill with a TV screen for home use:

Convenience and Accessibility

Perhaps the most significant advantage of having a treadmill with a TV screen at home is the convenience it offers. You can say goodbye to commuting to the gym or dealing with unpredictable weather conditions. Your treadmill is just steps away, making it easy to stick to your fitness routine.

Multitasking Made Easy

With a TV screen on your treadmill, you can multitask like a pro. Imagine catching up on your favorite TV shows, watching the news, or even streaming your favorite movies while you work up a sweat. This combination of entertainment and exercise is a game-changer. It not only makes your workouts more enjoyable but can also help you stay consistent in your fitness regimen.

Fits Your Space

Home treadmills come in various sizes and designs, making it easy to find one that fits your living space. Whether you have a dedicated home gym or need a compact treadmill that can be easily stored after use, there’s a perfect fit for every home. Many treadmills designed for home use are foldable, which means they won’t occupy valuable living space when not in use.

Friendly for the Family

Treadmills with TV screens are not just for the fitness enthusiast in the family; they can benefit everyone. Whether it’s you, your spouse, or your kids, these treadmills can accommodate a wide range of fitness levels and goals. You can set individual profiles, adjust speed and incline, and enjoy customized workouts for every member of your household.

No Membership Fees

While some fitness options require monthly membership fees or recurring costs, owning a treadmill with a TV screen typically involves a one-time purchase. This eliminates the need to budget for gym memberships or ongoing class fees, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Personalized Fitness

If you get lost in iFit, simply go to the home page by way of the Home icon. In the middle you’ll see the Create Map symbol.
Photo by Brian Boyce

Many home treadmills with TV screens also include features like heart rate monitoring, workout tracking, and pre-programmed workouts that you can personalize to match your fitness goals. You have the flexibility to choose your exercise intensity, duration, and even simulate various terrains to keep your workouts engaging and challenging.

Avoiding Commute Stress

By working out at home, you can sidestep the stress and time associated with commuting to a gym. There’s no need to deal with traffic, parking, or crowded facilities. This convenience allows you to start your workouts promptly and with less hassle, saving you time for other daily activities.

Budget-Friendly Options

Bowflex T10 Treadmill

Are you on a tight budget? No problem! You can still enjoy the benefits of a treadmill with a TV screen without breaking the bank. Explore the best treadmills under $500.

Trusted Brands

Several reputable brands manufacture treadmills with TV screens. Take a closer look at some of the top brands, such as NordicTrack, ProForm, Bowflex, Horizon Fitness, Lifespan, Landice, and Sole.

Space-Saving Options

For many, the desire for a treadmill with a TV screen is accompanied by the concern about available space. Fortunately, there are space-saving options that cater to those with limited room to spare. These treadmills offer all the benefits of a traditional treadmill, including the added entertainment factor, while ensuring that your living space remains uncluttered. Let’s explore the advantages of these space-saving treadmills:

Compact Design

Space-saving treadmills are engineered with a compact and efficient design. They are often smaller in size and can be easily folded, reducing their footprint when not in use. This makes them an excellent choice for apartments, smaller homes, or rooms with limited available space. You can tuck your treadmill away when it’s not in use, creating more room for other activities.

Stress-Free Storage

One of the standout features of these treadmills is their ability to be conveniently stored. After your workout, simply fold the treadmill and wheel it into a corner or a closet. This storage convenience ensures that your living space remains clutter-free, and you won’t have to compromise on room aesthetics.

Easy Mobility

Most space-saving treadmills come with built-in wheels, allowing you to move them effortlessly. This feature is especially useful if you need to change the treadmill’s location or store it in a different room. You won’t have to struggle with heavy lifting or worry about damaging your floors, as you can smoothly roll the treadmill to your desired spot.

User-Friendly Foldability

The folding mechanism on these foldable treadmills is designed with user convenience in mind. It’s easy to fold and unfold, typically requiring minimal effort. This means that you can transition from storage to workout mode in a matter of seconds. The process is hassle-free and doesn’t demand extensive physical exertion.

Customized Workouts

Space-saving treadmills with TV screens offer a wide range of workout programs and features. You can customize your exercise routines, adjusting speed, incline, and intensity to meet your fitness goals. This personalization ensures that you get an effective workout tailored to your needs, all within the confines of your compact treadmill.

Entertainment at Arm’s Reach

While the treadmill’s footprint may be smaller, the entertainment factor remains just as engaging. You can still enjoy your favorite shows, movies, or music on the built-in TV screen. The integration of entertainment ensures that your workouts are not only efficient but enjoyable, making it easier to stay committed to your fitness routine.


Space-saving treadmills are versatile and family-friendly. They accommodate the fitness needs of various household members without taking up too much space. Each user can have their individual profile and adjust the treadmill settings to suit their preferences, ensuring that the entire family can benefit from this space-efficient fitness solution.

Senior-Friendly Features

Staying active is essential for seniors to maintain their health, mobility, and overall well-being. Treadmills with TV screens are equipped with a variety of features that make exercise not only accessible but also engaging and safe for older individuals. Here, we explore the senior-friendly features of these treadmills:

Large, User-Friendly Controls

LCD display screen close-up on the Sole F63 treadmill

Keep track of your workout progress with the easy to use LCD display. (Screenshot from our Youtube Channel)

Treadmills with TV screens designed for seniors typically feature large and easy-to-read controls. This ensures that seniors can easily adjust the treadmill’s speed, incline, and other settings without straining their eyes or struggling with tiny buttons. These user-friendly controls are often well-lit for enhanced visibility, even in dimly lit spaces.

Sturdy Handrails and Support Bars

Safety is a paramount concern when it comes to senior fitness. Treadmills with TV screens for seniors come equipped with sturdy handrails and support bars. These features provide additional support and stability during workouts. Seniors can use them to maintain their balance and prevent accidental slips or falls, ensuring a secure exercise experience.

Low-Step Deck

Many senior-friendly treadmills incorporate a low-step deck design, which means that the treadmill sits lower to the ground. This makes it easier for seniors to step onto and off the treadmill, reducing the risk of tripping or falling during entry and exit. The low-step deck design ensures a safer and more accessible workout experience.

Cushioned Running Surface

Treadmills with TV screens often come with a cushioned running surface. This cushioning provides shock absorption and reduces the impact on joints during walking or running. For seniors, this is particularly important, as it minimizes stress on the knees, hips, and back, making exercise more comfortable and joint-friendly.

Safety Key and Emergency Stop Function

Senior-friendly treadmills typically include a safety key and an emergency stop function. The safety key, when attached to the user, allows the treadmill to operate. If the key is detached, the treadmill comes to a stop. This feature provides an added layer of safety, allowing seniors to pause the treadmill immediately if they feel unsteady or need to stop for any reason.

Customized Workouts

Exercise should be tailored to individual fitness levels and needs. Treadmills with TV screens allow seniors to select workouts that match their abilities and goals. They can adjust speed, incline, and duration to create customized workouts that are both challenging and achievable. Personalized workouts ensure that seniors can progress at their own pace while staying motivated.

Entertainment for Motivation

The integration of TV screens in these treadmills is not only about entertainment but also about motivation. Seniors can watch their favorite shows, movies, or listen to music while exercising. This entertainment factor makes workouts more enjoyable and encourages seniors to stay consistent with their fitness routine.

Heart Rate Monitoring

Monitoring heart rate is essential for seniors during exercise. Many treadmills with TV screens come with built-in heart rate monitoring systems. Seniors can keep track of their heart rate and ensure they are exercising within their safe and effective heart rate zone, promoting cardiovascular health and overall fitness.

Safety First

Treadmills with TV screens prioritize safety. They are designed with features that minimize risks and promote a secure workout environment for seniors. The combination of large controls, sturdy support, low-step decks, and safety mechanisms ensures that seniors can pursue their fitness goals with peace of mind.

If you have a bit more to spend and are looking for a treadmill with advanced features and capabilities, mid-range treadmills with TV screens offer a fantastic range of options. These treadmills are designed to provide a high-quality workout experience while incorporating a variety of entertainment and fitness features. Let’s delve into what makes these mid-range marvels so appealing:

Advanced Entertainment Systems

Mid-range treadmills with TV screens are equipped with more advanced entertainment systems. This typically includes larger, high-definition displays with vibrant visuals. The integrated speakers deliver impressive audio quality, ensuring an immersive entertainment experience. You can watch your favorite shows, movies, or even stream live workouts with exceptional clarity and sound.

Interactive Workouts

One of the standout features of mid-range treadmills is their access to a wide range of interactive workouts. These treadmills often include subscription-based services that offer live and on-demand fitness classes led by professional trainers. You can participate in virtual runs through scenic landscapes or engage in heart-pounding interval training sessions, all guided by expert instructors.

Larger Running Surfaces

Mid-range treadmills generally feature larger running surfaces, providing a more spacious and comfortable workout area. This extra space is especially appealing for taller individuals or those who prefer a broader area for running. It allows for a more natural and unrestricted stride, reducing the risk of feeling cramped during workouts.

Increased Speed and Incline Range

NordicTrack X32i at 40% Incline

TreadmillReviews editor Brian Boyce maxes out a 40% incline during visit to iFit showroom in Logan, Utah. You can clearly see why the NordicTrack X32i is our top pick for high-end incline trainer. Photo by: Oleksandr Kosheliev /

For those seeking a more challenging workout, mid-range treadmills often offer higher speed and incline settings. These treadmills can accommodate a wider range of fitness levels and goals, whether you’re training for a marathon or simply looking for a more intense cardio session. The versatility in speed and incline ensures that your workouts remain engaging and effective.

Fitness Tracking and Metrics

Mid-range treadmills come with advanced fitness tracking and metric features. They offer real-time data on various workout metrics, including heart rate, distance covered, calories burned, and more. This information is displayed on the screen, helping you monitor your progress and tailor your workouts to achieve your fitness objectives.

Customizable Workouts

With a mid-range treadmill, you have greater flexibility in customizing your workouts. You can adjust various settings, such as speed, incline, and workout duration, to create personalized exercise routines. Whether you’re focusing on endurance, weight loss, or specific fitness goals, mid-range treadmills allow you to fine-tune your workouts accordingly.

Wireless Connectivity

Mid-range treadmills often come equipped with built-in wireless connectivity. This feature allows you to sync your workout data with fitness apps or wearable devices. You can seamlessly transfer your progress to your smartphone or smartwatch, enabling you to track your fitness journey over time and make data-informed decisions about your health and wellness.

Preset Workout Programs

These treadmills offer a plethora of preset workout programs that cater to different fitness levels and goals. Whether you’re a beginner looking for introductory routines or an experienced athlete seeking variety, mid-range treadmills provide a wide selection of programs to keep your workouts diverse and engaging.

Quality and Durability

Mid-range treadmills are known for their quality and durability. They are built to withstand regular, high-intensity workouts and are designed to last. This ensures that your investment in a mid-range treadmill will continue to provide excellent performance and entertainment for years to come.

iFit Integration

Fitness trackers can help you keep tabs on your daily activity when trying to burn calories.

iFit is a cutting-edge fitness platform that revolutionizes the way you experience treadmill workouts. It offers seamless integration with treadmills equipped with TV screens, taking your exercise routines to a whole new level. Here’s why iFit integration is a game-changer in the world of treadmill fitness:

Extensive Workout Library

iFit provides access to an extensive library of workouts designed by professional trainers. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced athlete, you’ll find a wide range of workout programs that cater to your fitness level and goals. From scenic virtual runs to high-intensity interval training, there’s a workout for everyone.

Interactive Workouts

NordicTrack Commercial X22i iFit Programming

The 22-inch smart HD touchscreen on NordicTrack’s Commercial X22i model makes it easy to interact with iFit. The screen is easy to see even when working out off the treadmill. Photo by: Oleksandr Kosheliev /

What sets iFit apart is its interactive workouts. You can join live classes led by expert trainers who provide real-time guidance and motivation. These interactive sessions create a sense of community, making you feel like you’re part of a fitness class from the comfort of your home. You can interact with instructors and other participants, enhancing the social aspect of your workouts.

Global Workouts

iFit takes you on a virtual journey around the world. You can choose workouts that lead you through picturesque landscapes and iconic locations. Feel the rush of running through the streets of Paris, hiking in the Swiss Alps, or cycling along the coast of Hawaii. These global workouts add an element of adventure to your treadmill sessions.

Scenic Runs

For those who enjoy scenic runs, iFit offers an extensive collection of virtual outdoor routes. You can explore breathtaking natural settings, from serene forests to stunning coastal paths. The immersive experience of running through these landscapes makes your treadmill workouts more enjoyable and engaging.

Tracking and Progress Monitoring

iFit helps you track your progress by recording various workout metrics. You can monitor your heart rate, distance covered, calories burned, and more. This data is conveniently displayed on the treadmill’s TV screen, giving you real-time feedback on your performance and helping you set and achieve your fitness goals.

Personalized Workouts

iFit goes the extra mile in personalization. The platform adjusts workouts based on your fitness level, goals, and feedback. It adapts to your performance and provides recommendations to optimize your progress. With iFit, your treadmill workouts become tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you make the most of each session.

Nutritional Guidance

While the primary focus is on workouts, iFit also offers nutritional guidance to complement your exercise routine. You can access meal plans and recipes that align with your fitness goals. This holistic approach to health and wellness ensures that you’re not only staying active but also making informed choices about your diet.

Community Support

iFit has a thriving online community where you can connect with fellow users. You can share your achievements, discuss your challenges, and find motivation from a supportive network of like-minded individuals. This sense of community fosters accountability and helps you stay committed to your fitness journey.

Wearable Device Compatibility

iFit is compatible with various wearable devices, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches. This means you can sync your workout data across your devices, allowing you to seamlessly monitor your health and fitness progress. The integration of wearable technology enhances your overall wellness experience.

Echelon Fit vs. iFit

Professional trainers lead workouts ranging from running to Yoga, while participants compete with each other via a leaderboard.

Choosing the right fitness app to accompany your treadmill with a TV screen is a pivotal decision. Two prominent options in the market are Echelon Fit and iFit. Both offer unique features and workout experiences, and it’s essential to understand their differences to determine which one aligns best with your fitness goals and preferences.

Echelon Fit: A Quick Overview

Echelon Fit is a fitness platform that emphasizes live and on-demand fitness classes. It’s known for its real-time workouts and interaction with trainers and other participants. Let’s delve into what makes Echelon Fit stand out:

Live Classes:

Echelon Fit places a strong emphasis on live classes, allowing you to participate in real-time workouts led by experienced trainers. This interactive aspect replicates the feel of a traditional fitness class, and you can engage with instructors and fellow participants during the session.

On-Demand Workouts:

For added convenience, Echelon Fit also offers on-demand workouts. These pre-recorded sessions cover a broad spectrum of fitness routines, enabling you to choose workouts that match your schedule and preferences.

Engaging Trainers:

The trainers on Echelon Fit are skilled and charismatic. They provide motivation, guidance, and support during live classes, fostering a sense of community among participants. Their enthusiastic approach makes workouts more enjoyable and effective.

Variety of Classes:

Echelon Fit offers an array of class types, including cycling, strength training, yoga, and more. This diversity allows you to explore various fitness disciplines and keep your workouts fresh and exciting.

Minimal Equipment:

Many Echelon Fit workouts require minimal equipment, making them accessible for users with limited fitness gear. You can participate in effective workouts with just your body weight or basic equipment like dumbbells and resistance bands.


Echelon Fit is generally cost-effective, with subscription options that are budget-friendly. This makes it an attractive choice for those who want quality workouts without a hefty monthly expense.

iFit: A Quick Overview

NordicTrack EXP 14i iFit Programming

NordicTrack’s iFit programming allows you to run anywhere in the world and realistically experience the terrain. You can even do off-treadmill workouts including important fitness components like strength, flexibility, mindfulness, and much more. Photo by: Oleksandr Kosheliev /

iFit, on the other hand, is a versatile fitness platform that focuses on providing interactive workouts and global experiences. It’s known for its scenic outdoor routes, tracking features, and comprehensive workout library. Here’s what sets iFit apart:

Global Workouts:

iFit offers a remarkable feature in the form of global workouts. You can choose from a wide selection of virtual outdoor routes, allowing you to explore scenic landscapes worldwide. Running through these visually captivating settings makes treadmill workouts more engaging and immersive.

Interactive Workouts:

iFit features interactive workouts, including live and on-demand classes led by professional trainers. These workouts provide real-time guidance, allowing you to connect with instructors and fellow participants. The interactive component enhances the social aspect of your exercise routine.

Tracking and Metrics:

iFit is known for its comprehensive tracking and metrics. It monitors essential workout data, such as heart rate, distance covered, calories burned, and more. This information is displayed on the treadmill’s TV screen, providing real-time feedback and progress tracking.

Personalized Workouts:

iFit personalizes your workouts based on your fitness level, goals, and feedback. It adapts to your performance and offers recommendations to optimize your progress. This tailored approach ensures that you get the most out of each session.

Scenic Runs:

In addition to global workouts, iFit offers a vast collection of scenic runs, hikes, and cycles in beautiful natural settings. These workouts combine the benefits of outdoor exploration with the convenience of indoor exercise.

Nutritional Guidance:

iFit goes beyond workouts and provides nutritional guidance. You can access meal plans and recipes that complement your fitness goals, offering a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Community Support:

iFit boasts a thriving online community where you can connect with fellow users. This sense of community fosters accountability and helps you stay committed to your fitness journey.

Wearable Device Compatibility:

iFit is compatible with various wearable devices, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches. This means you can sync your workout data across your devices, allowing you to seamlessly monitor your health and fitness progress.

Choosing the Right Fit

When deciding between Echelon Fit and iFit, consider your fitness goals and preferences. If you enjoy live classes, interaction with trainers, and a strong sense of community, Echelon Fit may be your ideal choice. On the other hand, if you’re captivated by scenic outdoor routes, tracking metrics, and a personalized approach to fitness, iFit may be the better fit for you.

Ultimately, both platforms offer exceptional value and can significantly enhance your treadmill workouts. The choice comes down to what motivates you and aligns with your vision of a fulfilling fitness journey.

Before making a decision, check the compatibility of your treadmill with each platform, the cost of subscriptions, and the range of workouts available. This will help you choose the app that complements your treadmill and enhances your fitness experience to the fullest.

Our Favorite iFit Workouts

To get the most out of your treadmill with iFit compatibility, check out some of our favorite iFit workouts. They are designed to keep you engaged and motivated during your workouts.


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